Let’s Talk to Kids About… Anti-Racism
This has been a week of listening, learning, and acting. At Project Hope Alliance, we are #forthekids today, tomorrow, and always.
What this past week has taught and reaffirmed for us is that to see a future without racism, we need to start with those who hold the keys to our future, our kids.
Many reached out to #Teamkid for resources and ways to talk to your kids about racism and how to empower them to take action. We have pulled together resources to start this work. Together we will watch, read, listen, and learn. We can all do better for our kids so that they can grow up to lead us into a future without racism.
Watch together as a family:
CNN and ‘Sesame Street’ town hall addressing racism Saturday, June 6th, 10 am ET
Don’t teach our kids to be “colourblind” Part 1
Don’t teach your kids to be “colourblind” Part 2: Celebrate Diversity
Learn to Better Inform Your Conversations:
Are your kids too young to talk about race? https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvmPPspkyd/
Anti-Racism books for all youth https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/02/parenting/kids-books-racism-protest.html
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack https://www.racialequitytools.org/resourcefiles/mcintosh.pdf
Anti-Racism for Kids: An Age-by-Age Guide to Fighting Hate
Books to Share With your Kids:
The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson, illustrated by Rafael López
Something Happened in Our Town by Marianne Celano, Marietta Collins, and Ann Hazzard, illustrated by Jennifer Zivoin
When We Were Alone by David A. Robertson, illustrated by Julie Flett
My Hair is a Garden by Cozbi A. Cabrera
The Skin I’m in: A First Look at Racism by Pat Thomas, Lesley Harker (Illustrator)
I Am Enough by Grace Byers
“Daddy Why Am I Brown?“: A healthy conversation about skin color and family by Bedford
Palmer (Author), Winda Mulyasari (Illustrator)
All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold (Author), Suzanne Kaufman (Illustrator)
Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller (Author), Jen Hill (Illustrator)
One Big Heart: A Celebration of Being More Alike than Different by Linsey Davis (Author), Lucy Fleming (Illustrator)
This is nowhere near perfect, but it’s a start. If you have additional resources to share, please email us at volunteer@projecthopealliance.org, we are always looking for ways we can be better in serving our youth.