Insellerate has partnered with Project Hope Alliance (PHA), as part of their commitment to helping California’s youth succeed.
Students experiencing homelessness hold educational aspirations just like those of their housed peers. Most dream of graduating from high school and going on to college and/or finding a satisfying career, yet the challenges of their unique circumstances make them 87% more likely to drop out of high school. This fact alone makes them almost 400% more likely to be homeless as adults, perpetuating the cycle of generational homelessness and poverty.
Project Hope Alliance’s On-Site Case Management Program disrupts this progression with a singular mission – to end the cycle of homelessness, one child at a time. PHA implements trauma-informed care principles and strategies to improve the emotional, psychological, and social well-being, academic success, and overall health of Kindergarten to age 24 students experiencing homelessness in Orange County. In this work we enlist students and families as partners, deploying services embedded into the public school campus that are tailored to the needs of the children and youth, engaging them in all stages of decision-making and recognizing that a variety of cultural and other factors shape whether students and families are able and willing to seek mental health services.