Sharing the Love to School Counselors

Taking the SATs, completing a FAFSA, going on college tours, creating a resume, AP classes…the list goes on. These quintessential requirements of transitioning from high school to college or career can often be confusing, overwhelming, and intimidating for students. Combine that with having parents that never went through the process, lacking access to a laptop or computer, or even just simply not having a safe place to focus, and these processes can seem almost impossible. Having an adult come alongside a student to help navigate the process, cheer them on, and provide resources needed can make all the difference in a student graduating from high school and being set up for success. In a recent article published by, it shares how school districts across California are investing additional funding and resources into school counselors and additional services for their kids, so that students can have a dream, and then a person to help them get there. Project Hope Alliance loves our counselors, for seeing our kids, seeing their needs, and choosing to invest in them by partnering with PHA.

Project Hope Alliance currently has case managers on-site on 5 school campuses across Orange County. The school counselors on these campuses are pivotal to us supporting our kids. They know that in order for their students to achieve their goals, it goes beyond helping fill out applications. “Districts need to consider the distinct needs of student populations, such as foster youth or English learners, the overall district goals for student success and how to provide an array of mental health and family services that might go beyond the scope of traditional college and career guidance counseling,” says the article. Project Hope Alliance is so thankful to have such a great relationship with the counselors at our sites. Our counselors ensure that the distinct needs of their students experiencing homelessness are recognized and met. Thank you, counselors, for pouring your hearts and love into our kids!

Check out the article here!